
Simply select better antibodies through advanced clustering and phylogeny

Mining NGS data can help you significantly expand your candidate pool and improve your antibody discovery process. Discover how you can independently perform clustering and phylogenetic analysis to rationally select the most promising candidates.

What will you learn?

The integration of high-throughput screening and sequencing has proven very powerful for the rapid discovery of novel therapeutic antibodies. In this webinar, we will discuss:

  • How to expand your candidate pool with NGS technology
  • How to integrate sequencing and assay data to select the best candidates
  • How to independently perform advanced clustering and phylogenetic analysis
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Speaker: Néstor Vázquez Bernat
Application Specialist at ENPICOM
At ENPICOM, Néstor focuses on analyzing customer requirements, and project setup, management, and execution. During his PhD in Immunology, he isolated and expressed monoclonal antibodies after vaccinations and developed high-throughput sequencing library preparation protocols for B cell repertoires in humans, non-human primates, and other animal models.