The most powerful platform for antibody data analysis
Cutting edge analysis algorithms

Accurate liability annotations

Superior visualizations

Industry-leading scalability and security

Unmatched ease of use

Professional development and support

Information-rich visualizations

Explore interactive visualizations with rich metadata overlays to easily evaluate many antibody properties at once and select the best candidates faster

IGX-Track graphic view of bar plots.

The best candidates, the lowest risks

The Antibody Discovery Module contains state-of-the-art structural modeling algorithms to predict exposed liabilities and developability profiles for thousands of antibody sequences with just a few clicks.

Your swiss-army knife for antibody discovery

Use our extensive suite of Apps to compute clone enrichment, explore phylogenetic trees in an intuitive and visual way, and easily assess antibody developability.

A computer screen with IGX apps page.
Trusted by global leaders in innovative research

Person wearing safety glasses using a laptop.