
Data-driven lead discovery for modern wet-lab platforms

High-throughput screening of B cell repertoires and antibody libraries can expedite and improve the discovery of therapeutic antibodies. In this presentation, we will discuss recent advancements in wet-lab setups and computational screening and how leading companies like Genovac utilize ENPICOM’s IGX Platform in their data-driven discovery workflows.

What will you learn?

Data-driven discovery strategies are crucial to extract the maximum potential from Rep-Seq data and move from millions of sequences to a diverse set of developable leads. Such strategies require integrating data from the various sequencing and screening platforms and in silico methods to gain a comprehensive understanding of the data. In this session, we will discuss:

  • Recent advances in wet-lab and computational screening
  • The biggest challenges in data-driven discovery
  • How Genovac applies data driven discovery strategies for various modern experimental setups with the IGX Platform
19th Annual PEGS Boston Conference and Expo.
Headshot of Piotr Rijssel.

Piotr van Rijssel
Application Scientist at ENPICOM

As an Application Scientist, Piotr helps develop tailored workflows to help life scientists maximize their insights and accelerate the development of new immunotherapeutics and vaccines. Piotr focuses on providing technical consultations and ensuring the successful application of ENPICOM’s solutions to customers’ research.

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