6 Aug 2022
by Ruth Luk

Experiencing being an intern at ENPICOM

Hi! My name is Ruth, a third year International Business student at Tilburg University. This fall, the arduous search for an internship came to a fruitful end when I was offered the role of the International Sales Intern with ENPICOM. I remembered jumping out of the chair upon receiving the offer as ENPICOM was one of the top companies I had hoped to intern in.

Choosing to make an internship this semester was a no brainer for me as I had wanted to learn a software and get hands-on experience in a corporate environment. Moreover, as a Singaporean with the intention to work in the Netherlands, an internship would allow me insight into the Dutch working culture.

I chanced upon ENPICOM and the role while scouring through Google and was enticed by the job description. ENPICOM is a bioinformatics software company that supports scientists in the discovery and development of immunotherapies. This is lofty work as the discovery of the best antibody candidate could be the potential cure for diseases. What a company to work in! The company also boasts of its diverse team helmed from different parts of the world, which was a plus point for an international (business) student like me. As a motivated person, I wanted an internship that was mentally stimulating, which the company page and job description seemed to portray. Moreover, as a relatively young company recognized as one of the fastest growing data science companies in NL, is pretty telling of their ambitious personality.


An ENPICOM employee working on a laptop at the office.


Have I mentioned that I do not have a biology background? But now that I was offered the role, I needed to ramp up on some relevant biology knowledge. Robert, my wonderful supervisor, shared some reading materials before my internship commencement. HR also arranged a list of masterclasses on marketing, antibody discovery and the IGX platform for me to watch during the first two weeks of internship.

I’m on the third month into this role and am enjoying it thus far; for the work and people. My experience so far aligns with my expectations from the job description and company webpage. Work has been a good balance of challenges and it’s nice to feel supported by my colleagues, even cross departmentally. Sometimes, projects may involve asking help from people of other departments. Thankfully, ENPICOM’s onboarding process which allowed me to meet employees from every department during my first weeks, as well as supportive colleagues, made it really easy for me to ask for help. So far, I have learnt what the prospecting process looks like, how to use a CRM software and the various tools to source for prospecting leads. There is still a lot for me to learn, and I look forward to it.

Of course, it isn’t just work here in ENPICOM. I go to the office every Thursday in the quaint city of Den Bosch. This city is so gezellig, radiating massive medieval vibes. I love the many historical alleyways and nature around the city, and it’s the reason I look forward to going to work every week. Anyways, I digress. During lunch, the sales team will get our usual Lekkerbek (fried fish) at the centre. Thereafter, we will enjoy our freshly fried fish (and other food) in the office courtyard when it’s sunny, or the cool basement during colder days. Lunchtime is when we really learn the diverse culture of our colleagues as we share experience from our home countries, and just getting to know one another beyond our work personas.


Two ENPICOM employees in front of a seafood market stall in 's-Hertogenbosch.


So yes, if you’re looking for an internship with a culturally diverse company, where everyone is warm despite the cold weather, and where you can develop professional and personal skills, then do submit your resume on the website!

Feel free to contact me via email r.luk@enpicom.com or LinkedIn if you have any questions regarding interning here.