Discovery, production, and characterization of anti-RAGE antibodies
In Part I of this webinar, we will describe discovery of therapeutic, diagnostic, and tool antibody candidates against the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products (RAGE) in mouse, rat, and rabbit hosts using the Beacon® Optofluidic instrument. Additionally, we will show how the Carterra LSA with HT-SPR technology was used to measure binding kinetics of the anti-RAGE antibodies – including multiple rabbit antibodies with sub 10 pM affinity – and to run epitope binning on candidates from each of the three host species in a single experiment. Finally, we will conclude part I by illustrating use of ENPICOM’s software platform for biologics discovery to select lead candidates by combining sequence diversity, wet-lab data, and in-silico generated developability profiles of all antibodies.
Meet the speaker
Andreas Weise is the primary contact for Genovac key accounts throughout the course of antibody discovery, production, and characterization projects. Prior to his employment at Genovac GmbH, Andreas Weise held a deputy professorship in the cell biology department at the University of Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany.