Products & Services

IGX Platform

An intuitive cloud solution that enables any scientist to efficiently manage, analyze, and visualize immune repertoire sequencing data.

Unlock the full potential of your repertoire data

The IGX Platform is an end-to-end cloud solution that removes the complexity of managing and analyzing immune repertoire sequencing data. Technology-agnostic and code-free, it enables every scientist to focus on the research and maximizing valuable insights.

  • Work with T and B cells, bulk NGS, Single-cell, and Sanger
  • Integrate data from any source
  • Intuitive user interface and visualizations
  • Always on, ready to scale
A laptop with IGX-Track on the screen

Clone Browser. Organized.

  • No matter the source, all your data is harmonized once it hits the IGX Platform. You can work with B or T cells, bring together data from Sanger, single-cell and bulk NGS experiments, or even data from other platforms. Your data is harmonized upon import, enabling comparisons between datasets and ensuring compatibility with all IGX Apps.

  • The IGX Platform has a flexible tagging system designed to capture any kind of annotation or metadata. Tags can be anything you need: descriptive (e.g., a sample identifier) or quantitative (e.g., a liability score), providing virtually infinite ways to organize your data. Tags can be applied at any level – sample, cell, or sequence – and are used throughout the platform: for finding your data, and to generate interactive visualizations.

  • Forget looking for and searching through countless Excel tables. The IGX Platform stores all your data in one place, and provides a powerful search engine, optimized for repertoire data. Searches can be used in a variety of different workflows such as: improving data quality by identifying and excluding contaminating sequences or finding that one clone relevant for your research. Once you’ve dialed in your search just right, save it with a single click.

  • Collections are what we call samples. They store sequences coming from bulk or single-cell experiments and are automatically created when you import your data. We provide multiple ways to tag them with your clinical or experimental metadata, so your annotations are never lost and always where you want them: ready to be used in your next analysis.

Compose your perfect workflow

The IGX Platform comes with Apps that tackle specific challenges and use cases. Pick and choose Apps to build the end-to-end workflow that fully covers your needs, whether that means finding that needle-in-a-haystack antibody or analyzing the T-cell response after antigen stimulation.

IGX Platform functionality at a glance.

Set a new reference

  • All our apps support the open-source RepSeqIO format for germline references. We offer out-of-the-box support for annotating receptor sequences of many different organisms, such as human, mouse, alpaca, rabbit, and more.

  • Synthetic, hybrid or targeted libraries require non-standard germline references. The IGX Platform supports any reference in RepSeqIO format; these references can be made private so only users within your organization can see and use them.

What sets IGX Platform apart?
Make the most of your data

Work with a wide variety of raw and processed repertoire data types; they are automatically harmonized, so you can immediately start your analysis.

Annotate to enrich your analysis

Link clinical, experimental and in silico predicted data to samples, cells, or sequences and generate information-rich visualizations.

Work with single cells

The IGX Platform and its Apps automatically keep track of chain pairing information. Working with single-cell data has never been easier.

Streamline enrichment analysis

Analyze antibody panning data in an intuitive and visual way, easily perform multi-dataset comparisons, and identify enriched candidates with the best characteristics.

Simplify complex analyses

Freely join, intersect, and subtract datasets, cluster clones together and plot phylogenetic trees to select better antibody candidates.

Predict liabilities with confidence

Use state-of the-art structural modeling algorithms to predict exposed liabilities and developability profiles for whole antibody clusters with just a few clicks.

Skip the code

Work with an intuitive user interface and accomplish complex tasks without translating biology to code, keeping the focus on what matters most: the science.

Work securely in the cloud

The IGX Platform is powered by the leading cloud solution, AWS, which means you never run out of space, are always in sync, and using the latest and greatest.

Rely on professional development & support

The IGX Platform is built from scratch with professionally-developed, thoroughly-tested code and has on-demand customer support.

Secure data sharing

  • Data Spaces on the IGX Platform provide secure locations to compartmentalize any data generated in your organization, team, or project. Data Spaces can be exclusive to a single user, accessible to multiple users within a given project or organization, or even made available to collaborators.

  • Data Spaces are perfect for antibody service providers and other contract research organizations, as they provide secure environments to share data with customers. Customers can visually explore generated data through IGX Apps and easily download raw data.

ENPICOM’s IGX Platform is unique in its kind. It is the only analysis and data management platform specifically designed for this type of sequencing data. IGX offers us flexibility, ease-of-use, data integration, and data sharing possibilities – all criteria that we consider extremely important to properly support our scientific work.

Dr. Trevor Pugh, Senior Scientist at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Use cases

  • High-throughput repertoire sequencing is a powerful technology that allows deep probing of antibody repertoires. It can generate datasets of millions of sequences and is perfectly suited to identify a diverse set of (related) candidates with high affinity and different developability attributes.


    The IGX Platform brings together all your data in one place: you can import data generated using Sanger, bulk NGS, and single-cell NGS technologies and link all your assay data. Next, use our extensive suite of Apps to compute clone enrichment, explore phylogenetic trees of clusters of interest, and assess developability profiles based on structural modeling for entire antibody clusters in just a few clicks.


    IGX Platform simply selects better antibodies.

  • The Clone Browser, in combination with the downstream analyses of IGX-Explore, provides a seamless workflow for the exploration and identification of response patterns from in vitro experiments or patient cohorts. The V/J Gene Usage plot is an interactive visualization that allows you to easily stratify data into groups and discover preferential gene usage in stimulated samples or vaccinated patients.